CMPUT 654 (Winter 2024)

Modelling Human Strategic Behaviour


This schedule is subject to change as the semester progresses, but it will be kept up to date. Slides are linked from the lecture title. They will be made available on the day of the lecture.

Part 1: Game theory

wk Date Topic Readings & Milestones
1 Tue, Jan 9 Course overview  
1 Thu, Jan 11 Utility theory S&LB §3.1
2 Tue, Jan 16 Game theory intro S&LB §3.2–3.3.3
2 Thu, Jan 18 Further solution concepts S&LB §3.4
Add/drop deadline: Jan 19
3 Tue, Jan 23 Further solution concepts & Computational issues S&LB §3.4.5, 3.4.7, 4.1, 4.2.3, 4.6, Appendix B
Assignment 1 released
3 Thu, Jan 25 Perfect-information extensive form games S&LB §5.1
4 Tue, Jan 30 Imperfect-information extensive form games S&LB §5.2–5.2.2
4 Thu, Feb 1 Repeated games S&LB §6.1
5 Tue, Feb 6 Bayesian games S&LB §6.3
Assignment 1 due
5 Thu, Feb 8 Social choice S&LB §9.0–9.4 (excluding Arrow’s Theorem proof)
6 Tue, Feb 13 Mechanism design S&LB §10.0–10.2
Paper presentation scheduling
6 Thu, Feb 15 Quasilinear mechanism design S&LB §10.3–10.4
Assignment 2 released
  Tue, Feb 20 reading week, no class  
  Thu, Feb 22 reading week, no class  

Part 2: Behavioural game theory

wk Date Topic Readings & Milestones
1 Tue, Feb 27 Behavioral economics intro Mobina: Kahneman & Tversky (1979)
Harshil: Conlisk (1989)
Project talk scheduling
1 Thu, Feb 29 Single-shot interactions Paul: Camerer, Ho, and Chong (2004)
Reza: McKelvey & Palfrey (1995)
Jawdat: Wright & Leyton-Brown (2017)
2 Tue, Mar 5 Salience and focal points Kiana: Crawford & Iriberri (2007)
Alireza K: Burchardi and Penczynski (2014)
Sadegh: Wright & Leyton-Brown (2019)
2 Thu, Mar 7 Fairness and social preferences Yasmin: Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler (1986)
Sara: Gal et al. (2017)
Assignment 2 due
3 Tue, Mar 12 Reasoning about sequential interactions Siyuan: Li (2017)
Elaheh: Zinkevich et al. (2007)
Survey outline due
3 Thu, Mar 14 No-regret learning Yasmin: Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler (1986)
Bahar: Deng, Schneider, and Sivan (2019)
Mashid: Nekipelov, Syrgkanis, and Tardos (2015)
Parnian: Morrill et al. (2021)
4 Tue, Mar 19 Stackelberg equilibrium Reza: Kiekintveld et al. (2009)
Alireza M: Brown et al. (2023)
Mohamed: Hong, Levine, and Dragan (2023)
4 Thu, Mar 21 Behavioral finance Marcos: Benartzi & Thaler (1995)
Deepak: Khaw et al. (2017)
Amirhossein: Rabin (2000)

Part 3: Research surveys

wk Date Presentations Milestones
1 Tue, Mar 26 no class  
1 Thu, Mar 28 Reza: Kiekintveld et al. (2009)
Yasmin: Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler (1986)
2 Tue, Apr 2 - Paul & Deepak: Game theoretic perspectives on differential privacy in the real world
- Sara & Mobina: Leveraging regret minimization in auctions
2 Thu, Apr 4 - Sadegh: Game theoretic perspectives on multiagent reinforcement learning
- Siyuan: Fairly dividing indivisible goods
- Elaheh & Mashid: Learning algorithms for regret minimization

Withdrawal deadline: Apr 5
3 Tue, Apr 9 - Parnian: Behavioral game theoretic analysis in social networks
- Alireza K: Fictitious play in self play
- Jawdat: Determining player goals in video games
3 Thu, Apr 11 - Amirhossein & Kiana & Reza: Game theoretic analysis of market inefficiencies
- Marcos & Harshil & Mohamed: Critic based empathetic actor updates in sequential social dilemmas
- Alireza M & Yasmin: Automating general mechanism design
  Thu, Apr 18 no class Survey writeup due

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