Picture of James


Dept. of Computing Science
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2E8

Office: Athabasca Hall 3-57


"That's your game theory? Rock Paper Scissors with statistics?"
— Peter Watts, Blindsight

James R. Wright

Prospective Students

If you are currently enrolled at the University of Alberta and you are interested in working with me, please drop by my reading group to get to know the group and our research interests, and/or take my grad class.

If you are not currently enrolled at U of A and you are interested in working with me for your M.Sc., apply to my department and indicate an interest in working with me. There is no need to contact me directly.

I rarely take on new Ph.D. students from outside U of A unless I am familiar with their work from conferences I attend, or they come highly recommended from a colleague.

Current Students

Graduated Students

Last update: Mar 21/2025