Python Sample Code
All sample code is written in Python 3.
Code is used for activities and assignments.
Code includes a series of Go programs,
starting from the basics and leading up to simple re-implementations
of many of the techniques used by AlphaGo.
- First Go programs - Go0 and Go1
- Lecture 2, 2d Go board
- Assignment 1 starter code
- Lecture 3, St. Petersburg Paradox
- Lecture 5, Trees and DAGs
- Lecture 6, Profiling and Optimization
- Go2, optimized version of Go1
- Assignment2 Starter Code
- Lecture 7, Search
- Lecture 8, Minimax
- Lecture 9, Minimax and Alphabeta part 2
- Lecture 10, Minimax and Alphabeta part 3
- (No new code for Lecture 11)
- Lecture 12, Simulation methods
Solutions for Selected Activities
- Assignment 3 starter code
- Go3
- (No new code for Lecture 13)
- Lecture 14, Probabilistic simulation policies and Bernoulli experiments
- Lecture 15 and 16, MCTS
- Go4 and Go5 programs
- Lecture 19, Introduction to Neural Networks
First Go programs - Go0 and Go1
Download go.tgz
and unpack it.
The go
directory contains the following files:
- - the Go0 class and the main function of program Go0
- - the Go1 class and the main function of program Go1
- - the class GoBoard implementing a basic Go board
- - board-related utility functions
- - INCOMPLETE but functional - unit tests for
- - the class GtpConnection implementing a Go Text Protocol (GTP) connection
- - example for how to extend a GTP connection with more commands
Lecture 2, 2d Go board
Small code fragment for Go board implemented
as "2-dimensional" list-of-lists.
Assignment 1 starter code
Download assignment1.tgz
and unpack it.
For description of contents, see
Assignment 1
Lecture 3, St. Petersburg Paradox
Lecture 5, Trees and DAGs
Lecture 6, Profiling and Optimization
Go2, optimized version of Go1
- Download go2.tgz
and unpack it.
The go2 directory contains the program Go2,
which is the optimized version of Go1 as discussed in Lecture 6.
You can run
and compare it
with the Go1 profile.
Assignment2 Starter Code
Lecture 7, Blind Search
Lecture 8, Minimax and Alphabeta part 1
Lecture 9, Minimax and Alphabeta part 2
Lecture 10, Minimax and Alphabeta part 3
Lecture 12, Simulation methods
Solutions for Selected Activities
- Activities Lecture 5 some solutions:
Calls to compute and print the answers.
- Activities 8a and 8b solutions:
Compute size of minimal proof trees for (b,d) tree model.
Counts level by level in a loop, does not use a closed formula.
Assignment 3 starter code
Lecture 14, Probabilistic simulation policies
and Bernoulli experiments
Lecture 15 and 16, MCTS
Lecture 19, Introduction to Neural Networks (NN)
Go4 and Go5 programs
Created: Jan 3, 2018 Last modified: Nov 16, 2020
Martin Müller and Ting-Han Wei