GoGui install notes Revised 2019 by Chao Gao (cgao3) ========================================== TO DO: update Mac build instructions Martin May 2020 notes: - it builds on Catalina - the paths have changed due to new versions - I tried without quaqua, so have not tested that part. - ant is also a prerequisite % needs ant. does it come with java? my ant came from brew. brew install ant % Get the current versions of docbook and docbook-xsl then adapt the paths in the ant command accordingly brew info docbook-xsl brew info docbook % build without quaqua: can skip steps 5-7 below, then: ant -Ddocbook-xsl.dir=/usr/local/Cellar/docbook-xsl/1.79.2_1/docbook-xsl -Ddocbook.dtd-4.2=/usr/local/Cellar/docbook/5.1_1/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd -Dquaqua.ignore=true gogui.app % build with quaqua - not tested: ant -Ddocbook-xsl.dir=/usr/local/Cellar/docbook-xsl/1.79.2_1/docbook-xsl -Ddocbook.dtd-4.2=/usr/local/Cellar/docbook/5.1_1/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd gogui.app ========================================== Prerequisites: Needs Java. The installer will complain if you do not have a version that it likes. We use the new GoGui 1.5.1 by Remi Coulom hosted at: https://github.com/Remi-Coulom/gogui This new GoGui supports games other than Go, given that some required game-specific commands are defined. Please do not use the old GoGui 1.4.9 in sourceforge. Installation on Linux: If you are using your own computer: just run ./ubuntu_setup.sh If you are using a Lab Computer: First install libxslt in your home directory: mkdir -p /cshome/$USER/local/ wget ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxslt/libxslt-1.1.33.tar.gz tar xzvf libxslt*.gz cd libxslt* ./configure --prefix=/cshome/$USER/local make make install echo "export PATH=$PATH:/cshome/$USER/local" >~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc Then, git clone https://github.com/Remi-Coulom/gogui cd gogui Open ubuntu_setup.sh, remove line 4 (i.e. the sudo line) ./ubuntu_setup.sh You may set gogui/bin to your PATH after successful completion. Installation on MacOS Mojave: 0. Download the 1.5.1 release from here https://github.com/Remi-Coulom/gogui/archive/v1.5.1.tar.gz 1. tar -xf gogui-1.5.1.tar 2. cd gogui-1.5.1 3. brew install docbook 4. brew install docbook-xsl 5. mkdir lib & cd lib & curl -O http://www.randelshofer.ch/quaqua/files/quaqua-5.2.1.nested.zip 6. unzip quaqua-5.2.1.nested.zip and unzip quaqua-5.2.1.zip 7. cp Quaqua/dist/quaqua.jar ./ Now, change build.xml at gogui/ since "/Developer/Tools/SetFile" has been updated to "/usr/bin/setfile" in new Mac OS X; that is find line 27 of build.xml, change it to --- --- 8. cd .. 9. ant -Ddocbook-xsl.dir=/usr/local/Cellar/docbook-xsl/1.79.1/docbook-xsl -Ddocbook.dtd-4.2=/usr/local/Cellar/docbook/5.0/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd gogui.app 10. Alternatively, you can also ignore quaqua by adding the following parameter "-Dquaqua.ignore=true" if gogui crashes upon execution. Change the option if you have different installation directories at your System. You may add gogui/bin/ to your System path. Install on Windows: Windows 10 users can use bash. This can be really helpful for running players in the shell. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide Other Windows users can work with cygwin to run command line programs. See https://cygwin.com/install.html